My fourth adventure is about to start

JHB Airport - Empty airports are very depressing.......

I decided to start this story before I left for my fourth adventure.  This particular one happened so unexpectedly, and from the start has proved to be the trip (apart from my first one), that truly gets me out of my comfort zone.

To begin with, I won't be travelling with Himmat this time around, and as it turns out, it's a good thing, and it is turning into a trip that will take care of a few things on my bucket list.  Isn't it amazing how the universe always knows what is best for us.  My advice to anyone who feels that they are being pushed in a direction they don't particularly want to go is RELAX AND GO WITH THE FLOW.

I'm going to meet friends that, to date, I haven't had the opportunity of getting together with before now, and I intend to visit Sabyasaachi's magnificent store in Delhi. If you have no idea who this unbelievable talent is, he is only the most incredible artist/designer on the planet (in my opinion).  If you want to enter his store via the internet, search for "Inside the new Sabyasaachi Store in New Delhi".  I AM ACTUALLY GOING TO BE IN THIS BEAUTIFUL SPACE SOON.

Stay tuned for the story of my new adventures. I can't wait!!!!!

OK, I'm on my way......

Playing cricket on Juhu Beach, Mumbai

After saying goodbye to my baby girl, I set off for the airport with Chantille as my chauffeur.  I am always heartbroken when I say goodbye to Schnukie, and so I don’t do it very often.  As it happens, without knowing it I was braving the Corona Virus to set out on another adventure, but to be honest, I wasn’t worried.  I’m typing this on the 13th March 2020, so time will tell just how foolish I really am.  I do know, however, that regardless of what happens to me between now and my return on the 20th, I will never feel differently about the idiots I saw at the airports with their masks and hand sanitizer.  Clearly, they are pretty serious about this virus, so why on earth they are travelling beats me – they all looked completely miserable without exception.

My trip is always extra-long because I must fly to Johannesburg first before I can say I am “on my way”.  My flights to Dubai and Mumbai were uneventful, and because of the dreaded virus, I had an empty seat next to me and so could actually be remotely comfortable in the sardine can disguised as an aeroplane.

After many, many hours of travel, I finally arrived, sans sleep, in Mumbai.  I arranged money and an Indian sim card (aren’t I just Miss Independent) and got a taxi to my hotel.  My room wasn’t ready yet, so I decided to go to the café that is linked to the hotel and had the best sandwich EVER!  Ok, lunch sorted, I checked into my room and took a much-needed shower and got some much-needed sleep, which lasted until quite late into the afternoon/evening.

I really didn’t want to try and explore the area in the dark, and so took it easy for the rest of the day, and when the next day dawned, I showered and went down for breakfast.  Next on the agenda was to take a walk to the beach which I was told was really close to the hotel.  It was, and I ended up spending hours and hours enjoying the wonderful atmosphere – being a Sunday, the beach was really crowded.  There were lots of cricket matches on the go and, to my joy, speed boats just waiting for adventurers to take a ride.  Of course, I couldn’t say no, and I had a really thrilling ride which ended way too quickly.  When I was getting off the boat, I decided it would be a good idea to jump from the top step………fast forward to me sitting in the water with everyone around me in total panic mode.  When I think of it, I laugh.  My only concern was my handbag in which all my important documents and cards resided.  I was laughing, which meant that I was totally useless.  My handbag was saved, and I had a swim – win, win really.  I continued walking, and eventually, it occurred to me that I should probably think of turning back because, being really unfit, I didn’t know if I’d make it back on the soft sand.

Well, I made it back and greeted all the people I’d encountered on my walk, including the guys who helped me save my bag 😊  When I got back onto the street, I looked to see whether or not there were any interesting shops/places to look at, but they were all pretty uninteresting or closed.  At this point, you’re probably asking yourself “why on earth didn’t she go and see a temple or The Gate to India, and my answer is – I never get to go to the beach at home, and when you’re having the best time ever, a bunch of old stones just don’t seem that important.  I got some much-needed exercise, had an exhilarating ride on a speedboat, and got loads and loads of vitamin D.

I made my way back to the hotel and chilled in my room until I was ravenous and in need of something good to eat.  The café was calling, and I had dinner (the most delicious pasta).  By this time, it was dark, and I wanted to get my packing sorted so that I was ready to leave the next morning – I was flying to Jodhpur.

Dubai airport having a manicure and massage

Gorgeous sunrise seen through the aeroplane window

Swimming without a costume

Getting ready to go for my ride

She's a beaut

Juhu Beach Mumbai

View from my Hotel Room in Mumbai

Boat ride on Juhu Beach Mumbai

More of the boat ride on Juhu Beach


01.03.2020 03:58


We all are toooooo excited!!! We ensure that you will explore that side of this part of world which you never imagine yet!!!!

29.02.2020 14:17

Diana Stegmann

Yesssss so exciting 😁

29.02.2020 10:20


Excited for you...😎😎😎