With "Hello"

3 Days had gone by in a whirl, and because the days were so packed and we weren’t getting all that much sleep, everything was blending together making it difficult to remember what happened and when….mind you, it may also just be my age catching up with me J

I met so many new people, and true to form, had already given nick names to the ones that stood out from the crowd.  My “dancing man” – this came about after I pulled him up to dance during the ladies dancing night.  After that, my dancing man wanted to dance with me at every opportunity that presented itself.  My Kiddo’s cousin I named “Hello” because every time I saw him (and it was often), he said “hello” and nothing else.  Eventually, most of the village was using these nick names.


I was having such a great time and it was getting better and better.  I honestly don’t think it would have mattered what I did, being with such wonderful people is what made my stay fantastic.  Every day felt like a gift.


Day 3 in the village dawned and after watching the village go about its business from my vantage point on the roof, I made my way down to the kitchen in search of coffee (what can I say…..I’m addicted).  I had a good laugh when I saw where Kiddo had spent the night – a bed had been placed outside in front of the front door and it looked like he was on sentry duty.


I am going to attempt to put everything that happened on this day in order, but so much happened that I may very well get it wrong – not to worry though………


I was eventually allowed into my room where I changed into some comfy clothes (code for “I looked like a slob”).  The village was already buzzing and the drummer was already playing up a storm with his “band”.  Another ceremony was about to happen.  Once again I’m not really sure what this was about but it involved the groom, family and friends.  Rinku (the bride) wasn’t present. The video is great to demonstrate the sights and sounds and general atmosphere.  The singing is done by the ladies – I didn’t understand a word but apparently, using the same tune, they make up words about a particular person.


Once the ceremony was over, Arjun and Rinku entered the temple in the home together where yet another ceremony was conducted.  I managed to get a picture or two, but because of space restrictions I couldn’t stay.  A photo shoot was done in the room that I once called my bedroom and the bride and groom did leave the village, but I’d be lying if I said I knew where they went to (yeah yeah, big fail Stegmann), however, I do know that the day was still loaded with activities that I was actually part of.

After all the excitement I spent some time in the bedroom with my new found friends who decided I needed some sprucing up.  My nails were painted a lovely red and both arms were adorned with gorgeous bangles which were a gift to me – I was starting to look less boring and I must say I felt it too.  I can’t remember when last I had such a girly time.

As the day wore on my eyelids started to droop and I went in search of a place to catch at least 40 winks.  My kiddo’s bedroom was vacant so I took the gap and collapsed on one of the beds.  A nap was not to be.  A group of children decided it was a great idea to have a photoshoot using my camera and proceeded to do just that, imitating the proceedings that had taken place over the last 3 days – rather cute.


After giving up on the nap I wondered outside and joined my kiddo and several other friends in the area where the food was prepared.  We watched as chai was made for everyone – yes – everyone.  I absolutely LOVE Indian chai and so this was yet another treat.  I was also shown Hello’s test he had written earlier…..not sure how much learning he did with the wedding going on all around.


It was so great sitting chatting and laughing but that was to come to an abrupt end when the bride and groom made their final exit from the village.  This is still done in the traditional way where the bride is led crying by her new husband.  They made their way slowly from the house along the road to the waiting car.  It is always surprising to me to see mass hysteria/emotion develop, and by the time Rinku and Arjun got into the vehicle that drove them away there was a whole lot of crying going on.  Kiddo and Tinu were particularly upset.  WOW….always something going on.


After the emotion of Rinku and Arjun’s departure from the village, it was great to grab a chair and gather round in the road with everyone and just chat.  It was getting dark and to be honest, I thought tonight would be the night I got an early night…….yeah right!!!


I was called by 2 guys I had met during my time in the village (Marudhar and Narendra Singh) and told to get into a waiting car because we were going somewhere – I really didn’t know where.  Off we went and I was then filled in – we were going to visit Narendra’s family. On the way we stopped off at (I think) his dad’s wine shop where I had a glass of beer (of course) and then we stopped off at another store for boiled eggs – I have to say being able to buy ready boiled eggs is fantastic and it got me hooked.  I have been through so many trays of eggs since I got back its scary.  I was introduced to Narendra’s grandmother who is 90 and all the other inhabitants of the home, and we sat chatting for quite some time.  Once again I was blown away by the incredible warmth and hospitality that embraced me wherever I went.


When we got back to the village we were met by the sight of the ladies gathered in the middle of the road outside kiddo’s house having a party.  The men of the village were in their usual spot, but the ladies were having their night.  I was so surprised when I got out of the car because I was greeted with such enthusiasm by the ladies who said they were wondering where I was because they missed me.  I joined the party and have to say it was an awesome night…..Marudhar, Narendra, Bhiv and a few other men joined us and we all had the time of our lives.  It was one of those times you don’t want to end – I’m sure everyone reading this has had at least one of those.  I drank lots of beer, ate snacks, laughed, chatted and lost track of time completely.  I laughed till I cried when I saw my “dress donor” Bhagwat Kanwar try to pour herself a whiskey without taking the bottle top off – her face before and after she realised what was wrong was the funniest picture.


To top all of this, dinner materialised in the early hours of the following morning – I mean, a girl can’t go to bed without her dinner can she????


When dinner was finished we all made our way to bed.  I was back in the bedroom on this night, and my lady friends and their children were camped out on the floor all round me – another great day had come to an end.




Arjun and his friend during the ceremony

The slob with Tinu

Arjun entering the temple


Getting ready to have my nails painted

With Rinku

Sleep was not an option

Official photographs

The Coffee/Chai man

Chilling having coffee

Rinku being led from the village by Arjun

Ladies night

so much fun

Handsome gents joined the ladies

The sights and sounds of the ceremony