Waiting at Jaipur Station for the train to Pali (Bijapur)

The lines being hosed down

Sunday morning dawned and it was time to move on again.  I felt rather proud of myself because I had enough space in my suitcases for my shopping (pat on the back).

We got to the station, bought the tickets and then had a bite to eat at a little restaurant.  We were travelling by air-conditioned sleeper train and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  As it turned out, it was made for me.  After sorting out where we all belonged and finding a spot for the luggage, we set off, and it wasn’t long before everyone around me had their breakfast laid out and bellies were being filled.  Wherever I travelled, meals were done properly….breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Junk food isn’t big in the areas I visited.  A lot of the people on the train were travelling to Mumbai – a great deal further than I was going.  After making everyone’s acquaintance, and breakfast was finished, it was naturally nap time.  I was allocated the middle bunk, given a clean sheet and pillow, so I climbed up onto it, faced the wall and fell asleep – this is definitely the way to travel.

My stop was (and I hope this is correct) Pali.  Himmat told me that we would journey from the station to his village by tuk tuk – this was meant to be a joke, but the joke fell flat on its face because I had no idea how far his village was from the station – it was way too far to travel by tuk tuk without losing all my teeth and dislodging my internal organs.

Himmat’s friend had left his car at the station for him to use, so we piled in and, with air-conditioner on, travelled to Ranakpur, a village between Jodhpur and Udaipur.  I had forgotten that I had seen the Jain Temple on my first trip (blind, I know), so when we arrived I really didn’t feel the need to pay to see inside the temple again.  At my request we sat in the shade and soaked up the atmosphere outside.

After visiting the temple, we travelled a short distance down the road and stopped off to say hello to friends of Himmat’s who make carpets and all sorts of wonderful goodies to sell mostly to tourists.  We also had a delicious cup of chai.

Visit over, it was time to make our way to Himmat’s home.  I’ll let the pictures do the talking here – suffice to say my eyes were out on stalks taking in everything as we went along and just to keep me happy, we stopped off at a little shop to get some Lassi.......SPOILT J  We also stopped off along the way to drop my phone off because it had decided retirement was the way to go and at the same time a friend of Himmat’s invited him to a wedding……I just love village life.

We finally got to Himmat’s house and I met his mom, brother and cousins.  What wonderful people.  I was welcomed with open arms and made to feel so welcome.

My cases were stowed in the bedroom allocated to me and a humongous air cooler brought in to keep me cool – I seriously have never seen one this big before.  We sat chatting and laughing until it was time to get ready to go to our engagements.  We had a wedding and a party to go to – oh yes, the original socialite don’t you think.

We got to the wedding and the music and festivities were well on their way already.  A row of tables along one side of the marque was heavily laden with food, there was a stage and the remainder of the space was filled with tables and chairs (this was the groom’s party).  I was directed to the food tables and went down the line selecting all sorts of yummy goodies.  Whilst I sat eating I enjoyed the music and 2 ladies dancing on stage.  Two men in enormous costumes dancing between the tables added almost a circus feel to the celebrations.

I was not expecting to have to dance for my dinner but this is Incredible India and anything can happen.  Himmat’s friend asked him if I would dance on stage.  Well, I can’t say I was too keen (not being a dancer’s bum and all that), but like every invitation/challenge I got in India…..I accepted.  I was led to the stage and the dancing ladies held my hand while I climbed the stairs – it may also interest you to know that the lady I danced with was in fact a young man.  Well, I had an absolute ball and was told later that because I danced the wedding ratings had shot through the roof – no lies.

After the fun of the wedding, we drove out of the village to the farm where the party was taking place.  Here I encountered a bit of a language barrier which Himmat came and sorted out every now and then but for the most part it was a great big photo opportunity.  Everyone and his mother was photographed with me.  I had another bite to eat and before I knew it, it was time to go home.  Himmat’s mom had waited up for us and of course she got a rundown of the night’s events before we all went to bed.  Goodness gracious….this was just the first night in Bijapur…..I was really looking forward to the rest of my stay.

Waiting for the train

Inside the sleeper train

Himmat - so cool

Jain Temple - Ranakpur

Goat herd on the way to Bijapur

Decorations being put up for Holi festival

Driving into Bijapur

Being led onto stage

Dancing for my dinner

Dancing for my dinner in Bijapur :)