Me and my Kiddo together again after 2 years

Vikram and I said goodbye to Himmat for the time being, and with one short stop to pick up a new wheelchair and another passenger along the road, Vikram and I made our way to Artiya (Kiddo’s village).  I had arrived in Jodhpur a little after 1pm but it was only much later on that afternoon that I arrived in Artiya.  Indian time is like that.

I cannot describe how exciting it was to see all the familiar faces when I arrived in the village.  All the fatigue from the exceptionally long trip melted away and I received a warm, happy, heart-felt hug from everyone.  There is nothing on this earth as magical as the welcome I receive in Artiya.  I spotted my Kiddo and it felt like no time had passed at all since we had last seen each other. JOY, JOY, JOY!!!

The village, by that stage, was packed to capacity with family and friends from all over.  Ceremonies/rituals had taken place during the day before I arrived (I really couldn’t tell you what they involved or what they were for), and there was so much more still to come.

My luggage was taken care of and I was whisked away to have my hand/arm painted with Henna.  I had greeted Bhiv Singh (Kiddo’s dad), Bhanwar Kanwar (Kiddo’s mom) and Tinu (Kiddo’s younger sister) but Rinku, the bride wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  The Henna painting started on the ground floor of the house with all the ladies around me, but we decided to go up to Kiddo’s room at the top of the house where I saw Rinku at last.  She was also getting the Henna treatment, but both her feet, hands and arms were being painted.  WOW….what a whirlwind start to my adventure.

Henna painting - not sure whose feet?

The ladies preparing food

With Kiddo's mom

Photo op on arrival with my Kiddo

The drummer and his wife

My hand/arm

My hand/arm

Tinu and her cousin

The front of Kiddo's house

Kiddo's mom and dad


Having my skin painted with Henna is so relaxing and it looks beautiful as well.  When the painting was complete I was told that I must join the men for a drink. I had met quite a few of them during my previous visit and had enjoyed a drink with them then as well.  Of course, because of the wedding, there were a lot more faces in the crowd.  Beer was poured and the festivities began…….


I was having a ball and have no idea how many glasses of beer I consumed before I was called urgently to join the ladies.  This was the night the ladies danced.  I got to my feet and was led back to kiddo’s house - the dancing had already started.  All the ladies were beautifully dressed in sparkling traditional Rajasthani outfits.  I, of course, was still in jeans and a T-shirt, which didn’t dampen my enjoyment one little bit.  The drummer and his wife were giving it there all and the ladies responded enthusiastically.  What an incredible celebration.  This was just the beginning, but already I could see that where I come from we are badly in need of education in how to celebrate.


The word “fun” just isn’t substantial enough to describe that night.  I even got my Kiddo to dance which seemed to give everyone a second wind.


I was caught off guard and completely blown away when a makeshift cake with a candle was produced, and everyone wished me a Happy Birthday!!!!!  It must have been around midnight.  I had clean forgotten but my friends hadn’t – life just doesn’t get any better……seriously.  Picture if you will, dancing under the stars with the most incredible people who, in the middle of the wedding celebrations remember your birthday.  We danced right through the night to about 3/4am the next morning, and then decided sleep might be a good idea.



The ladies dancing - Tinu walking towards the camera

Having a drink with Raju and Vikram

Dancing with Tinu

More dancing


Dancing with Tinu

My Kiddo dancing

My kiddo has some good moves

Tinu looking stunning

The ladies

My surprise birthday cake

Feeding Kiddo's dad

Dancing with the ladies

My Dancing Man!!

The house was beautifully decorated

My kiddo

I am unfit now, but when I arrived in India, I was a hell of a lot worse.  When I woke up on the morning of 11th March….not many hours after going to sleep… body yelled at me.  I had put myself through the wringer from the moment I started travelling on 8th and I’m afraid my every part of me was finally retaliating.  I felt grim and was badly in need of coffee.  The floor of the room I had slept in was a sea of sleeping bodies and I needed to get clothes on so I could go out and get sorted.  I managed to lift my suitcases and retrieve clothes without braining anyone – RESULT!  I have no idea how I got coffee, but I did, and was joined on the roof by Tinu and Raju.  From the roof of the house it was wonderful to watch the village go about its business.  I seemed to be the only one feeling the effects of the night before…..

I would be lying if I said I remember what happened for the rest of the morning other than meeting lots more people.  The drummer had taken up residence outside the bedroom I had slept in, so a nap was out of the question.  I spent more time with my Kiddo and eventually said I was going to try and take a nap on his bed next to him.  This didn’t work and after asking where the 2nd bed was that used to be in his room, Kiddo asked his friends to fetch one.  In the blink of an eye, a spare bed was produced and I very gratefully stretched myself out on it with my face to the wall and fell asleep.  Two hours later coming round from a very pleasant sleep, I remember thinking that it was awfully quiet.  I looked over at Kiddo who had covered his face and was sleeping, and when I turned over there was a row of bodies asleep on the floor.  This was just one in a long list of special moments spent in Artiya.