The view of the Taj Mahal from the Fort in Agra

Entrance to the fort in Agra

Saturday 19th started really early.  We had a train to catch that would take us to Agra.  The trip was 3 and half hours long and the train we travelled in was really fancy.  Air-conditioning with really comfortable high-backed seats and tables because of course, you can’t have “fancy” without food.  A really good breakfast was served and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting back relaxing (didn’t take pictures of this train).  On arrival at Agra station we hailed a tuk tuk which took us to the Fort.  This one is nowhere near as imposing or impressive as the Jodhpur and Jaipur forts but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  There is something truly magical about being in a building that is so old and has stood the test of time – it isn’t easy surviving humans.

Probably the most titillating part of being at the fort was the view of the Taj Mahal.  I have been back in SA for just over 4 months now and I still can’t believe I was actually there – thank goodness for photographs.

We left the fort and decided that lunch would be a good idea before visiting the Taj Mahal.  We stopped off at a restaurant and enjoyed something light to eat and stocked up on much needed fluids.  India was getting hotter by the day so staying hydrated was a top priority.

I had expected a large crowd when I visited the Taj Mahal but was still blown away by just how many people were standing in line to get in.  Crazy, crazy, crazy.  Himmat got our tickets and thankfully, I didn’t have to stand in the never ending queue.  Finally, I was walking towards one of the wonders of the world…….

I approached the archway and slowly made my way towards what would be my first sighting of this incredible monument.  I honestly didn’t expect the wave of emotion that swept over me as the Taj Mahal came into view.  I was really pleased that I was wearing sunglasses and that no one was looking at me – everyone only had eyes for one thing.

How on earth does one describe gazing upon the Taj Mahal?  Many words come to mind, but the one I will use here is overwhelming.  I, like most people, had seen hundreds of pictures over the years, and to be honest, I was never moved in any way.  I only included this in my itinerary because it felt stupid not to – I agree, a ridiculous reason to visit, but as good a reason as any I suppose, and it really was worthwhile.

The interior is seriously boring so I didn’t spend much time inside at all.  The exterior of course, is the business and I was very happy to plonk myself down on the cool marble and sit soaking up the sights, sounds, smells and everything else that makes the Taj Mahal the Taj Mahal.  We had a few hours to kill before catching the train back to Jaipur, so once again I was reminded how much nicer it was to be travelling on my own, with my own guide, as opposed to travelling with a large tour group.  One of the pictures is a close-up of the marble we were sitting on and shows the shoe covers everyone is issued with before treading on the marble.


The train trip back to Jaipur was really great……when we got to the station, Himmat took me to one of the kiosks around the station for chai and then we boarded the “fancy” train.  The dinner we were served on the train was amazing and I lost count of the number of courses.  I remember a loud American traveller commenting “more food….how much did we pay for the ticket?”


I know I sound like a stuck record, but I’m going to say it anyway……what a wonderful day in incredible India.  Each day seemed to end the same way……falling asleep with so many amazing memories swimming around in my mind.  Tomorrow was going to be filled with even more adventures.  I was going to board yet another train to Bijapur – Himmat’s village.




Imposing entrance

The garden at the fort

View from the fort

An emotional moment

There she is - WOW

Yes....I was there

One of the buildings around the Taj Mahal

Sitting soaking up the atmosphere

Himmat and I chilling

The arch leading into the main building

Cup of chai outside the station

Detail of part of the wall


28.07.2016 17:25

Isobel Abernethy

I was travelling with you, love the pic of you and Himmat, will you go back to India?

29.07.2016 08:45


As soon as I have the money I will be back there mom - its mine now. Want to join me?