Bijapur to Jaipur & Pushkar

View of the street from the balcony of the shopping center.

It was time to travel again.  I had had quite a time of it and could feel that my soul had been renewed.  Himmat, very unwillingly, had allowed me to drive and I have a feeling he was surprised that I could actually do it.  I had also helped him get the car out of a hole - oh no, it wasn't me who drove into it.

I said a very sad goodbye to my family and Bijapur, and we made our way to the station to catch a train to Jaipur.  I really do love this city, and although I had been there twice before, the shopping was too good to pass up.  I just had to get more jewellery, and of course, Pushkar was on my list as well because I wanted more of their divine oils.

We booked into a really great hotel and enjoyed good meals and floor shows each night.  The shopping at the markets was, as always, a great experience and just walking around the city is an experience I miss most days.

I had also arranged a day trip to Pushkar, and so we caught a bus and had a very interesting trip.  The two things I love the most in Pushkar are the intoxicating oils (rose, jasmine, orange, etc.) and a restaurant that serves the most delicious pizza and iced tea - yes, pizza and iced tea.

There is never enough time in a day when I'm in India.  I had spent four weeks in this magical place, and I still can't believe it.  Time really does fly when you're having fun, so for me, time doesn't really exist when I'm in my spirit country.

So many beautiful things

On the bus to Pushkar

Markets in Jaipur

Shopping for oils

View from the restaurant in Pushkar

Exciting tuk tuk ride

View from the restaurant in Pushkar

Oil and perfume shop in Pushkar

Himmat ignoring me........

View from the shopping center balcony in Jaipur

Peak hour in Jaipur

Jaipur market

Train journey from Jaipur to Delhi


17.10.2019 17:28


Sjoe Doreen, what a hustle and bustle. All that hooting on the roads would drive me bonkers not to mention the disregard for any lanes!!! Your obvious love for the country shines through. Xxx G